Wednesday, August 5, 2009


A blinking,
breathing stone statue,
standing steadily,
and unmoved through both rising temperatures and oncoming thunderstorms,
created to look above to the skies and thankfully accept the weathering of his concrete as if he
were an old man stoically watching another year of his short life pass on by,
and unflinching as his fingers crack and fall off and as vandals pepper him with spray painted graffiti.

He never complains about not being made of steel or perhaps even marble or about not being placed somewhere downtown where he could become well known.

he remains impassive among the abandoned industrial buildings of a forgotten side of town.


I have attained enlightenment.

I have found serenity.

I accept.

I become.

I undo.

I have found my peace.

Maybe a more detailed way to say it would be to just say that I have crashed into it.

It wasn't really a choice.

It was more out of necessity.

I had to finally find my enlightenment to save my mind.

I would have lost it,
and then I would have spent the rest of my life in the same suffering,
and constant fear that I was living in until tonight.

With the adversities that I'm facing,
and the greater adversities to come that can't be avoided but can be seen coming,
this enlightenment,
this serenity,
this stoicism,
had to be found.

There was no other option.

It wasn't a want.

It wasn't a desire.

It was a need,
just like I need water,
food to live.

So what should I do next?

I'll blog about it!